Hear Marysville Business Success Stories from other Marysville Business People, Supporters and Friends
7:30am on Wednesday, August 8 2018
as we Focus on Marysville’s Successful Businesses, and learn how today’s business owners find their own gold here, in Marysville, Since 1850, the Gateway to the Goldfields!
R. H. Macy and his brother Charles had a Marysville store during the town’s formation. Many others have found success here in the intervening 168 years. This Wednesday, you can expect to hear the Success Stories of: • Gary Elliott, retired co-owner, Elliott Photo, Framing, Scrapbooking and Photo Studio. (Now closed) RSVP’d as Attending, and likely prepared to share: You’re Invited! Be prepared to tell about your Successful Business in three to five minutes: Your Most Unusual Customer or Solution: Bring items to hand out: We want to send you off with a positive outlook about doing business in Marysville: Let us know you’re coming by clicking on the green REGISTER NOW button below. That’ll help us with seating and other accomodations. You can also sign up for newsletters, and directory listings. |
When and Where:Wednesday, August 8 at7:30AM: No-Host Breakfast and Coffee8AM-9AM: Marysville Business Success Stories 316 D Street, Marysville, CA 95901Meet in the Courtyard
Be prepared to tell about your Successful Business in three minutes:
Who, What, Where, When and Why, and how to find you in-town or on the web!
Your Most Unusual Customer or Solution:
What’s the most unusual customer you’ve had or problem you’ve solved?
Bring items to hand out:
Business cards or swag with your business name/contact info so we know how to do business with you!
We want to send you off with a positive outlook about doing business in Marysville:
Be ready to hear and share successes and challenges.
If you have a story you want to tell, an idea for a future meeting or class, tell us! Send your idea, name, business, phone and e-mail to:ideas @ FocusOnMarysville.com
In future monthly meetings:
Learn how you can use free tools to promote your business on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, E-mail, In-Store, and good-old Word of Mouth!
Meet the new Marysville City Staff! New City Manager, New Community Development Director, New City Clerk and more.
How to tie in to Historical Marysville Events like The Peach Festival, The Veterans Day Parade, The Christmas Parade, and others that happen each year.
Where to find classes or people to help you overcome challenges, increase your business, prosper.
Copyright © 2018 Focus on Marysville, All rights reserved.
Photo © 2017, Ted Langdell
Focus on Marysville is sponsored by
The Mary Aaron Museum
Our mailing address is:
Mary Aaron Museum
Attn: Peppie Schrader, President
704 D Street
Marysville, CA, 95901
United States of America